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Maximizing the Speed and Repeatability of Robotic am at Low Cost via Vibration Compensation

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  • blur_circularRAPID + TCT Conference
Robots are increasingly being adopted for 3D printing. However, their speed and repeatability are limited by vibration due to their inherent joint flexibility. Researchers at the University of Michigan have developed the Filtered B-Spline (FBS) vibration compensation software algorithm that minimizes the vibration of a variety of machines. Their first version of FBS has been licensed by Ulendo, a University of Michigan spin-off, and is currently being deployed commercially on Cartesian-configured 3D printers, where they have demonstrated 10X higher acceleration and 2X faster printing speed without undesirable vibration. In this talk, we will introduce FBS 2.0, the next generation of the FBS software focused on compensating for the vibration of robots. We will demonstrate how FBS 2.0 enhances the speed and repeatability of robots for 3D printing. We will also describe how FBS 2.0 is being translated to the robotic 3D printing industry through a partnership between the University of Michigan and Ulendo.

Presentation Stage: Optimization — Maximizing Performance and Efficiency