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Henry Begg

Event Speakers
Henry Begg

Henry Begg

Application Engineering Manager
Henry studied for an undergraduate degree in materials science from the University of Cambridge before joining the University of Oxford to completed a PhD on processing of aluminum matrix composites. Following this, he joined TWI Ltd where he led the surface, corrosion and interface engineering team, performing a variety of applied research and consultancy projects across a broad range of industry sectors. This included installing the UK’s first commercial cold spray additive manufacturing cell. In 2024, he joined Plastometrex; a company providing rapid materials testing solutions based on profilometry-based indentation plastometry (PIP). At Plastometrex, he manages the Application Engineering team, who’s expert materials scientists work collaboratively with our customer base to explore new applications of the technology and maximise the benefit to users.


  • today
  • access_time -
  • location_on412 AB
  • blur_circularRAPID + TCT Conference