Zachary Skelton

Zachary Skelton
Sr. Technical Support Engineer
Airtech international Inc.
Zach is a Senior Technical Support Engineer at Airtech Advanced Materials Group, located in Huntington Beach, CA. He has over 10 years of experience working within the aerospace industry on leading-edge tooling and materials application technologies. Zachary has a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering from California State-Long Beach and a MBA from the University of Redlands. His experience involves over 10 years with composites fabrication as well as considerable tooling technology experience. In addition, he has in-depth experience with large format additive manufacturing experience for numerous current market applications.
More recently he has worked to develop and then demonstrates additive manufactured, 3D printed material products for commercially competitive applications. His involvement with various resin formulations, compounding, materials qualification, and characterization is a major part of his work. Zach has been heavily involved in applying Airtech’s Dahltram® recyclable, resin systems to both tooling as well as many different end use applications.
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