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AMAZEMET is a spin-off company of the Warsaw University of Technology. The company focuses on metal additive manufacturing, particularly in the areas of new materials, R&D, and industrialization. AMAZEMET offers rePowder, an ultrasonic powder atomizer and alloy prototyping platform, and inFurner, a high-vacuum furnace. The offered solutions allow the production of metallic powders from any alloy, and heat treatment processes suitable for various applications. AMAZEMET maintains a strong connection with academic researchers by participating in collaborative research activities focused on developing new materials for additive manufacturing and partnering with universities and companies around the world in EU funded projects.
Main Category
Additive Manufacturing/3D Printing
Product Categories
  • Additive Manufacturing Machines & Processes
  • Advanced Materials
  • Casting Equipment
  • Materials for Additive Manufacturing
  • Metals
  • Post Processing
  • Research & Development
  • Vacuum Systems
Contact details