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Realizing the Value of AM Through 3 Foundational Pillars

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Conference Abstract: Metal additive manufacturing has made massive strides in empowering engineers to build the parts they need, however the technology has yet to fulfill many of the promises it made in its early days. This has led to disappointment by new adopters, however there are three foundational pillars where metal AM can drive value and greatly exceed the expectations of designers, engineers, supply chain managers, and business leaders.

This session will look at three foundational pillars where additive manufacturing can truly drive value when evaluating the technology for producing parts. The pillars include innovation through improved designs, accelerating delivery timelines, and executing production at scale. It will include details on how to measure these three value pillars and examples of real-world companies that have leveraged metal AM to achieve one or more of these benefits.
  • Taylor Doty
    Business Development Account Manager