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Allen Younger

Event Speakers
Allen Younger

Allen Younger

Senior Business Development Manager - Medical Solutions
AddUp Solutions
Allen Younger is a seasoned Senior Business Development Manager with a profound impact on growing the AM orthopedic implant market. With extensive experience at AddUp (a Michelin/Fives joint venture), Avalign Technologies, Oerlikon, and 3D Systems Corporation, he has led transformative initiatives in additive manufacturing and personalized surgery. From his military service to roles as Director of Sales and Vice President of Sales, Allen has cultivated a deep understanding of the industry, driving innovation and shaping the future of medical technology with strategic vision and hands-on expertise. Allen's passion is enabling manufacturers seeking to use AM as an organic process. His claim to fame is being an AM evangelist with more than 12 years of AM industry focus.


  • today
  • access_time -
  • location_onSME ZONE Theater - Booth 3031
  • blur_circularIndustry Partner Presentations