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Duann Scott

Event Speakers
Duann Scott

Duann Scott

Executive Director
Duann Scott is the Executive Director of the 3MF Consortium voted into the position in 2022 to help spread awareness and addoption of the 3MF additive manufacturing file format. Duann is founder of Bits to Atoms, organizer of the CDFAM Computational Design Symposium that brings together leading experts in computational design at all scales for a series of knoledge sharing and networking events held around the world, visit to learn more. Duann is also involved in MIT’s AM programs both teaching and updating content for the AMx (Additive Manufacturing for Innovative Design and Production) course, as well as writing the software section for the Wohlers Report for ASTM International.


  • today
  • access_time -
  • location_onSME ZONE Theater - Booth 3031
  • blur_circularIndustry Partner Presentations