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John E. Barnes

Event Speakers
John E. Barnes

John E. Barnes

Founder and Managing Director
The Barnes Global Advisors
John Barnes is Founder and Managing Director of The Barnes Global Advisors, the leading engineering consultancy in additive manufacturing, and the Founder and CEO of Metal Powder Works. Previously, he was Vice President of Advanced Manufacturing & Strategy at Arconic Titanium & Engineered Products where he helped shape the R&D budget and activities across manufacturing operations and influenced future business. There he worked with Airbus to qualify the first Titanium additively manufactured parts for series production. Prior to Arconic, he was Director of the High-Performance Metal Industries Program for CSIRO, the national science agency for Australia where he oversaw the R&D and Commercialization activities and investments in the program’s two principal areas: Metal Production & Interface Design and Additive Manufacturing. His aerospace background includes lengthy positions at Honeywell Aircraft Engines and as Senior Manager for Manufacturing Exploration and Development at Lockheed Martin Skunk Works(TM). At Lockheed Martin, he was responsible for developments in advanced polymers, composites, carbon nano tubes, novel titanium production and processing, additive manufacturing of both polymer and metallic systems and low observable manufacturing methods. John's teams have accomplished world's firsts in AM products as a human heel, therapeutic products, series aircraft parts and implemented other technologies on vehicles like the F-22 Raptor. Primarily, John has a background in materials performance and processing relationships but has led groups to develop low emission combustors, advanced polymers, and low observable technology. John has 14 patents or applications, has given numerous invited presentations and is published internationally. In 2014 he was awarded Purdue University’s Outstanding Materials Engineer of the Year. John is an Adjunct Professors at RMIT University and Carnegie Mellon University. He is the Vice Chair of SME's AM Advisors and Chair of the America Makes Executive Committee. John holds a B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering and an M.S. in Metallurgical Engineering from Purdue University.


  • today
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  • location_onSME ZONE Theater - Booth 3031
  • blur_circularIndustry Partner Presentations
  • today
  • access_time -
  • location_onSME ZONE Theater - Booth 3031
  • blur_circularIndustry Partner Presentations