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RAPID + TCT Search

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The SME ZONE at RAPID + TCT offers event participants the ability to interact with the different SME Strategic Units, learn about the breadth and depth of SME, and explore how SME can help

2024 Featured Technologies

Attendees visit RAPID + TCT, featured technologies, to research and source the latest equipment, materials and services in additive manufacturing

Event & Conference Preview

RAPID + TCT 2021: Digital Event & Conference Preview featuring Exhibits, Speakers, Conference Information, Event Features, and Special Offers!

Producers & Media Partners

The two industry leaders in 3D-technology events, SME and Rapid News Publications, team up to produce the annual RAPID + TCT event. They are provided key promotional support by their media

2024 Event Advisors

This advisory team represents a broad base of the AM industry to help us build a world-class event and conference that educates and inspires all participants, no matter the stage of their career


3Dnatives is the largest international online media platform on 3D printing and its applications.